Sunday, September 26, 2010


Morris has been pretty much a cheerleader for Republicans every time he appears on FAUX News and I thought I'd look at some of his lousy predictions from October 2008. 

O'REILLY: What's the matter with you today? All right? All right. Just let me do the show, OK? Thank you. All right, we talked on the radio today. And you kind of convinced my radio audience that McCain has a legitimate chance to win despite all the polling.

MORRIS: Sure does. (THE O'REILLY FACTOR, 10/31/2008)

MORRIS: But, Sean, there's a group called that is accepting private contributions to put $2 or $3 million of Reverend Wright on the air. That, plus this redistribution of income issue could make the election.

HANNITY: You think they'll.

MORRIS: I was at a dinner part Sunday night and depressed about the election.

HANNITY: All right, but I'm -- Dick, I'll.

MORRIS: Today I'm absolutely energized. ( HANNITY & COLMES, 10/27/2008 )

MORRIS: And I think that, while that's happening, his lead is eroding.

I think that, you know, when you look at it, Obama would be losing this election, were it not for the financial crisis. He was losing it in September. The financial crisis came.

Now, if the market continues to go in the tank for the next two weeks, nothing's going to save John McCain.

But if the market stays more or less stable or gains a couple hundred points most days and loses a couple of hundred, but more or less stays in the 9,000 to 10,000 range, then that's going to move away as an issue.

And in this environment, the half life of issues is so short, I think that McCain has a serious chance to win this election. ( HANNITY & COLMES, 10/20/2008)

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