Friday, April 22, 2011


On the 3rd hour of his radio show, he re-retold the Passion Story and used lengthy excerpts from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon without attribution.

UPDATE: In his e-mail newsletter and on his web site, Beck admits to using Pink Floyd's music.  This is from the newsletter:
Classic Beck radio: Glenn's unforgettable Easter Essay set to Pink Floyd...

So Earth Day is being widely celebrated, but what about the Creator of Earth? It would seem like a logical conclusion to give Him a little credit as well - but since that probably won't happen, Glenn's got it covered. On radio today, the story of Easter told only like Glenn Beck can tell it - and it’s all backdropped by the music of Pink Floyd. Let Glenn take you on a journey in time all the way back to Biblical days, and hear the story of redemption in a way you will never forget. The most incredible moment in all of human history -- relive it HERE.

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