Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Another wingnut food fight!

If I didn't know better, I'd say Charles Krauthammer was a Liberal Elitist Snob.
KRAUTHAMMER: Of the sound bites you showed, Haley Barbour looked -- he is the only calm and collected one of the other three. I think he is the only one with a serious chance of winning in 2012. I think Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann in a sense are competing for the same constituency. They are wonderful Republicans but I don't think either has a chance to win the nomination.

Bachmann could do well in Iowa. She is originally from Iowa, is a heavy evangelical constituency that surprised the world the last cycle by giving Huckabee the victory, but that is possible. But it's hard to see her way after that through the thicket.

Then there is Trump. Trump is the Al Sharpton of the Republican Party, provocateur and clown, unserious. I think he will harm the party if he runs for the same reason Sharpton harmed the Democrats. I know you can see the mail coming in. Address it to me, not to Bret. He is not responsible.


Which means in the debate he will be up there I think he will run, and this is not just a trial run. He will be up in the debate, like Sharpton he will monopolize discussion and draw it away on issues that are irrelevant like Obama's birth. And that can only hurt the party.

BAIER: Let me counter. When you and Karl Rove and others say this, it generates a lot of attention, a lot of mail about Donald Trump. There is some kind of thing happening out there, isn't there, about a straight- talking guy? Do you think it's all about the name recognition or do you think it's a hunger for somebody cutting through the traditional politician?

KRAUTHAMMER: It's all name recognition. He is a celebrity, he is on television and a guy who talks about winners and losers. The vulgarity of him is offensive. He talked today about comparing himself with Romney, I have a bigger net worth. That's what you expect from, somebody who wants to promote himself in business and make a name. That is not what you want from a presidential candidate.
Fox News Network
April 18, 2011 Monday
Fox News All-Stars
BYLINE: Bret Baier, Juan Williams, Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer
LENGTH: 2385 words

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