Thursday, April 21, 2011


Rep. Paul "Rand is my Heroine" Ryan was roundly booed at one town hall for claiming that we do tax the wealthy and Rep. Lou Barletta (R-PA) was criticized by a senior for trying to privatize Medicare.  Huffpo reports that two other GOP congressmen received complaints about the GOP approach to taxes and Medicare.

Let's hope the national media picks up on this as it was so eager to do for the Bagger protests.


Ken Hoop said...

I wish all tea partiers held the same view as this traditional conservative commentor

K. W. Jeter, on April 21st, 2011 at 11:56 pm Said:

@GB –

The GAO simulations you cite are meaningless, as they assume leaving military spending untouched. If we were to zero out military spending and take the $881 billion “defense” budget for FY 2012 and the separate $118 billion for our pointless operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for FY 2012, and apply those sums to reducing the deficit, that would be the fiscally responsible thing to do instead of slashing so-called entitlements. The real “kicking the can down the road,” to use your phrase, is in letting the US military run around the world generating enemies for us, with money that would be better spent at home.

Steve J. said...

Another Jeter to like besides Derek. :-)