Monday, April 18, 2011


(h/t Political Correction at Media Matters)

No, the state hasn't decided to secede but the Bagger tidal wave seems to have vanished.  The GOP governor and Bagger Princess Michele Bachmann only managed to draw a few hundred on a nice day in Columbia, SC.

Politicians, political operatives and members of the media came close to outnumbering attendees at a much-hyped Columbia, S.C. Tea Party rally starring U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley on Monday.

Only 300 people (including a horde of Palmetto political operatives) attended the event in downtown Columbia, S.C. – which is a generous estimate in our book. That attendance figure – confirmed by other media outlets – amounts to less than one-tenth the size of multiple crowds that have gathered at the S.C. State House in recent years in support of parental choice.

It’s also roughly a tenth the size of the crowd that attended this same event in 2009.

In her remarks, Bachmann pledged that she would vote against raising the nation’s debt ceiling – an issue that other “Republicans’ in Washington, D.C. appear to be caving on in recent days.

Bachmann also referred to Obama as “Wall Street’s best friend,” a rather odd sound bite for this particular crowd.

This last highlighted statement reminds me that sometimes the Baggers appear to be economic populists but the implications of this are never followed up. At this year's CPAC conference, Bachmann explicitly stated that Pres. Obama has "ushered in socialism."


Ken Hoop said...

Nevertheless,not that he's authentic Tea Party, but Trump was anti-bailout and is protectionist as well as anti-Afghan war. More populist than Obama on each issue, assuming sincerity, but then much of the Prog Left isn't assuming O's sincerity these days either.

Ken Hoop said...