Sunday, August 14, 2011


According to the Daily Caller, Steyn said this on Huge Ego Hewitt's show Thursday, August 4th.  This is from the transcript:
MS: Yes, and I think when you look at what happened in, say, the United Kingdom between the early 1950s and the late 1990s, that basically the proportion spent on social programs and the proportion spent on Defense inverted and flipped. And that will happen here. I mean, we might as well get used to it. The idea that the United States can have the kind of government on the scale that Obama and Harry Reid foresee, with $15 trillion dollars of debt, adding another $7 trillion dollars of debt, and maintain a military of global reach, is simply incredible. You can have one or…you can have Swedish scale government, or you can have the U.S. military, but you can’t have both. And I think if you look at which way Obama or Harry Reid or Dick Durbin or any of these guys would want to jump, it’s pretty obvious which way they’re going to go.
I'm going to vote "early and often" for a Swedish-style government.

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