Saturday, October 22, 2011


The normally monolithic conservative movement has been showing structural fissures over the last 6 months and that's good for America.   Paul Mulshine asked Ron Paul about the major radio gasbags and I loved the answer:
Q: Do you think radio talk show people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin fear that you’re making them obsolete because your views reveal them as the statists they are?

A: I think that if I gain influence it’s an embarrassment to them because they’re not really limited-government people yet they make their livelihood fooling the people into thinking they’re the real leaders of limited government. And when you look at it we find out that they haven’t been. Look at Bush’s eight years. The budget exploded.
UPDATE: Ron Paul went on Hannity's radio show a couple of days later and The Baby Jesus asked him about the statement above. According this story in The Hill (NOT the headline), Paul pretty much stood by his remark.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Our fake Limbaugh favorite, AJ Strata has snuck in his hopefully last comment on the failed Iraq War he so steadfastly supported for eight years,in a broad and broadly distorting post on OWStreet.

"I worry more (than about OWS)about the desperation in the Obama White House, which is going to rue the day it surrendered Iraq in a lame attempt to hold its ever shrinking base.

So there you have it. The guy who claimed the Iraq war was won by the surge in 2008 and that the Taliban had retreated to a small corner of Afghanistan in 2009 from where they would be easily finished off, now says Obama has surrendered Iraq.

This guy made Limbaugh's top ten blogs list. Talk about real laughingstocks.