Monday, October 17, 2011


He certainly has the ignorance that they admire and promote so much.  Not only does he know little about foreign policy, his economic policies are based on typical talk radio magical thinking:
“You and others are making assumptions about what wealthy Americans would do with their money and you’re making assumptions about the middle class and the poor. You can’t predict the behavior.”
If you can't predict the behavior, then you can't make economic plans.

Cain also has the Fundie belief that blastocysts have souls but he seems to allow an exception if the mother's life is in danger.

Finally, just like Mark Levin and Michael Savage, Cain believes liberals are out to destroy America.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Cain seems to devalue life when it comes to prolonging unwinnable wars and justifying those which have unnecessarily killed many hundreds of thousands as in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cain, also an Israel-admiring Islamophobe, also made it clear he didn't much care what the Iraq government or people wanted--if he could find a modern Westmoreland who could justifying staying, he'd accomodate him.