Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This fellow is Doug Schoen, one of the FAUX News Democrats. His "survey" of the Manhattan OWS folks has been all over wingnut talk radio today AND ITS FULL OF LIES.
BREAKING: Doug Schoen Grossly Misrepresents His Own Poll Results To Smear Occupy Wall Street

By Judd Legum on Oct 18, 2011 at 4:12 pm
Think Progress

He [Schoen] writes that a “large majority” are bound together by support for a “radical redistribution of wealth.” But when he asked the protesters what they’d like the Occupy Wall Street movement to achieve, just 4 percent said “radical redistribution of wealth,” which tied for last on the list of answers given.

Similarly, while Schoen writes that a “large majority” express “opposition to free-market capitalism,” when asked what frustrates them most about the U.S. political process, only 3 percent named “our democratic/capitalist system.”

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