Saturday, October 15, 2011



Brent Bozells' group apparently can't use LexisNexis because the Media Research Center claims that ABC, CBS and NBC only devoted 13 stories to the Tea Party in 2009.  I used LexisNexis to search for "Tea Party" in the transcripts of ABC, CBS and MSNBC (there was no separate category for NBC alone) and here's the breakdown:
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 All Results (231)
Close Tree Sources by Category
Close Tree News Transcripts (231)
 MSNBC (182)
 ABC News Transcripts (29)
 CBS News Transcripts (20)
I then searched for "Tea Party" and "NBC Nightly News" and got 8 hits:
1. Senate Democrats meet at White House about health care reform
NBC News Transcripts, December 15, 2009 Tuesday, 472 words
2. Jimmy Carter speaks out against anti-Obama racism
NBC News Transcripts, September 15, 2009 Tuesday, 288 words
3. Controversy over Barack Obama speaking to school children
NBC News Transcripts, September 4, 2009 Friday, 466 words
4. Eunice Kennedy Shriver funeral
NBC News Transcripts, August 14, 2009 Friday, 521 words
5. Obama takes aim at credit card rates
NBC News Transcripts, April 22, 2009 Wednesday, 313 words
6. Tax day meets with urgings from president, protests
NBC News Transcripts, April 15, 2009 Wednesday, 790 words
7. Global Broadcast Database - English, January 12, 2009 Monday, 272 words
8. In Depth; Progress report on Massachusetts' attempt to provide health care for all
NBC News Transcripts, January 12, 2009 Monday, 457 words
So, the Big 3 networks had at least 57 stories on the Baggers in 2009.

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