Wednesday, October 12, 2011


(h/t TPM)

If they can't beat Pres. Obama in Iowa, they can't beat him nationwide. From Public Policy Polling:
Iowa a key battleground again; Obama leads Romney by 4
Raleigh, N.C. – President Obama’s net approval rating has slipped six points, and he is
doing a corresponding three to 12 points worse on the margin against his potential
Republican foes in Iowa than when PPP last polled the state a month and a half ago.
Obama bests Mitt Romney, 46-42, down six points from 49-39 in August. He leads
Herman Cain, 47-41
, a decline of 12 points from 51-33. President Obama also tops Ron
Paul, 47-40. Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann each lag, 49-39. For Bachmann, that is
a seven-point improvement from 51-34; Perry is up three from 51-38. Newt Gingrich is
down, 50-39. Paul and Gingrich were not tested in the previous poll.

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