Friday, October 21, 2011


First, actual capitalist organizations are worried about global warming:
Companies call for tougher climate action
By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News
Leaders of nearly 200 major companies around the world have called for tougher action on climate change.
The 2C Challenge, co-ordinated by the Prince of Wales Corporate Leaders Group, says that climate change puts society's future prosperity at risk.
Second, a physicist who was skeptical of global warming looked over the data and analyses and found that there is indeed man-made global warming:
A skeptical physicist ends up confirming climate data
Posted by Brad Plumer at 04:18 PM ET, 10/20/2011
Washington Post

Back in 2010, Richard Muller, a Berkeley physicist and self-proclaimed climate skeptic, decided to launch the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project to review the temperature data that underpinned global-warming claims. Remember, this was not long after the Climategate affair had erupted, at a time when skeptics were griping that climatologists had based their claims on faulty temperature data.

So what are the end results? Muller’s team appears to have confirmed the basic tenets of climate science. Back in March, Muller told the House Science and Technology Committee that, contrary to what he expected, the existing temperature data was “excellent.” He went on: “We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups.” And, today, the BEST team has released a flurry of new papers that confirm that the planet is getting hotter. As the team’s two-page summary flatly concludes, “Global warming is real.”Here’s a chart comparing their findings with existing data: 

Here's a graph of the BEST re-analysis and the previous work:

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