Thursday, November 24, 2011


In this article about the looming cuts to the military-industrial complex, Elizabeth Bumiller shades the story in favor of those like Sen. Kyl who oppose any cuts:
Despite Threat of Cuts, Pentagon Officials Made No Contingency Plans
Published: November 22, 2011
NY Times

Other possibilities include cutting the number of aircraft carriers to 10 from 11 — the United States still has more than any other country — as well as increased fees for the military’s generous health care system, changes in military retirement, base closings around the country and delayed maintenance on ships and buildings.
In reality, we greatly exceed the rest of the world (and that includes allies like Britain) in carrier strength:

America has about twice as many aircraft carriers as the rest of humanity combined, and America's aircraft carriers are substantially larger than almost all the other's aircraft carriers. The Navy likes to call the big Nimitz class carriers "4.5 acres of sovereign and mobile American territory" -- all two dozen American carriers of all classes add up to about 70 acres of deck space. Deckspace is probably a good measure of combat power. The rest of the world's carriers have about 15 acres of deck space, one fifth that of America's.
Bumiller has done this before.

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