Wednesday, November 30, 2011


From Raw Story:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain complained Wednesday that idiots are destroying the country.

“Here’s what I need you to do,” Cain told a crowd of supporters in Dayton, Ohio. “Stay informed, know the facts because stupid people are ruining America.”
As soon as I read that, I thought of my favorite fat gasbag, Rush Limbaugh, who made this astounding claim today:
Freedom of Information Act request produced some information, it was on the Fox Business Channel last night between seven and eight o'clock, one of the Fox networks. Seven-point-two trillion has been spent and lent by the Federal Reserve to bail out banks all over the world since 2008. Seven-point-two trillion United States dollars printed by the Federal Reserve to bail out banks around the world since 2008.
So, Snerdley, it's not $600 billion yesterday. It's $7.2 trillion since 2008 that the Fed -- nobody has any money. Where do you think this money is going? It's going to people who do not and have not worked.
Now, you know Fats isn't attacking the banksters here, so we can only conclude that his delusions are getting worse.

Newt Gingrich also let a little unvarnished truth slip out (h/t Raw Story):
“What you said is information that’s new to me, I don’t know enough about it to give you a direct answer,” Gingrich told the audience member. “I’m certainly sympathetic to what you just said. But one of the real changes that comes when you start running for President – as opposed to being an analyst on Fox – is I have to actually know what I’m talking about.”

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