Friday, December 09, 2011


(h/t Atrios, Digby)

About a year ago, Mark "Foamer" Levin called for the termination of extended unemployment benefits because a few people were taking advantage of them. One year later, conservatives are still mean:
Hill staffer explains to the unemployed that they’re lazy

Dec 7th, 2011 at 9:13 am by susie

One of his aides met with us in the lobby as well. When we asked him again about if Rep. Tipton would vote to extend the unemployment insurance, he told us he had to listen to both sides and then he told us a strange story. He heard about a disheveled guy going in for an interview and purposefully not getting hired just to get an unemployment check. We all sat there for a minute in disbelief. When I realized, that he was saying that my representative was considering not voting for unemployment insurance because he thinks there are lazy people milking the system, I was compelled to act.


Ken Hoop said...

Levin seems to be getting as many of his sheep as possible to accept Gingrich but not Romney. The only GOPer who Levin says is beyond the pale is Ron Paul, of course, because Paul doesn't exempt Israel from parasiting off the American taxpayer and making us all kinds of enemies in the Moslem world which require all kinds of blood and taxpayer trillions to then fight.

Steve J. said...

The only GOPer who Levin says is beyond the pale is Ron Paul, of course, because Paul doesn't exempt Israel from parasiting off the American taxpayer and making us all kinds of enemies in the Moslem world which require all kinds of blood and taxpayer trillions to then fight.
