Saturday, December 03, 2011


At moment, Newt is leading Bachmann in Iowa by 19 points, 25 to 6, so I'm not sure why he told the truth about her:
During a brief exchange with reporters, Gingrich was asked about Bachmann's claim that Gingrich's position on illegal immigration amounts to amnesty. Bachmann criticized Gingrich's statement that he would allow illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for 25 years to remain in the country.

What about Bachmann's criticism? "Some people are just factually challenged," Gingrich responded. "It's unfortunate. When I was a teacher I occasionally had a student who couldn't figure out where things were or what things were or what the right date was. When that happens, you feel sorry that they are so factually challenged."
Newt's absurd claims about the food stamp program make his shot at The Eyes ironic.


Ken Hoop said...

His F&F moneymaking also disqualifies him, both for hypocrisy, corruption AND for not patriotically going public if he really knew, as he claims he privately consulted, the economy was ready to crash.

Ken Hoop said...

Obama is slightly less unqualified.

"Lind writes, “In 2008, candidate Barack Obama, campaigning in Ohio, vowed: “I voted against CAFTA [the Central American Free Trade Agreement], never supported NAFTA [the North American Free Trade Agreement], and will not support NAFTA–style trade agreements in the future.’” The recent trade deals with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama are difficult to distinguish from CAFTA and NAFTA . Moreover, the Obama administration is pushing for a trans-Pacific trade agreement with countries on both sides of the Pacific."