Monday, December 05, 2011


Tucson stuff: KNST has replaced Michael Savage with Andy Dean, who sounds about as bright as Sean Hannity.  Savage remains on KQTH.  Sen. Kyl was on a local weekend show on KQTH and pushed the notion that military spending by the government is good for the economy.  I almost called the station to point out that this contradicts his other claims about the economy.

Bob Brinker (Money Talk) had the author of Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics on and he defended both the benefits of deficit spending during a downturn and the wisdom of taxing the top 1%. A couple of callers disagreed but they didn't make any real arguments.

Today Mark Levin claimed his show is alone as the 3rd most popular talk show and that means that Glenda and Weiner are behind him.

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