Thursday, January 05, 2012


the entire conservative movement in America seems to be one giant Gong Show!  Consider these casually gathered facts:

- We know that for conservatives, Ronald Reagan is up there with St. Peter, Winston Churchill and Joan of Arc, and his mythic image must be defended no matter what the truth is, especially on taxes.  Well, Ricky the Santorum just accused St. Raygun of contributing to the entitlement financial problem!

- A lot of the radio gasbags are turning themselves into pretzels trying to play the insider/outsider game.  For example, Laura Ingrham has been claiming the insiders want to help Romney and hurt Santorum despite the fact that she's not only a DC insider, her radio show is broadcast from the frigging Heritage Foundation.  Ingraham also has a hard time covering herself in Bagger populism.

- After getting their ass handed to them over the payroll tax cut, the House Baggers are beginning to implode all over the walls.

- CPAC, the biggest gathering of the movement conservatives, hasn't realized that Sarah Plain is long past her sell-by date.

- After getting completely hammered by outside groups as a direct result of the Citizens United decision, Newton Gingrich now thinks it was a bad SC decision.

- Finally, according to Erick The Deep Red, Santorum isn't conservative enough!!!

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Roemer preferable on economic issues to all of them and including Obama.