Sunday, January 01, 2012


The Daily Beast does not describe Douglas Schoen as a "Democratic" anything.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

From Greenwald today, wide ranging piece on Middle East--the results of Dem. Party "centrism."

"The Obama administration paid pretty lip service to the Egyptian revolution but then worked to install Mubarak’s chief torturer Omar Suleiman in power, who, for obvious reasons, is viewed with great disfavor among Egyptians. That propaganda ruse fooled one of its chief targets (the American electorate) but failed miserably among Egyptians, who knew exactly what the U.S. was up to. As a result, Egyptians now view the U.S. even more unfavorably than they did during the Bush years, while “more Egyptians — 64 percent — said they had low or no confidence in President Obama in 2011 than they did last year, up five percentage points."