Thursday, July 19, 2012


Rep. Michele "The Eyes" Bachmann has been saying krazy things for years with nary a peep from GOP leadership but the times have changed.
Top Republicans denounce attack on Clinton aide
By Thomas Ferraro
Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:35pm EDT

(Reuters) - The top Republican in the Congress on Thursday criticized Representative Michele Bachmann and four other fellow House Republicans for making "pretty dangerous" accusations when they questioned the security clearance of a Muslim aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The comments of House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner came after Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, blasted the five lawmakers for seeking an investigation into whether Huma Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, had connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political organization.

Boehner, speaking at a regular news briefing, said "accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous." He said he did not know Abedin, but "from everything I know of her, she has a sterling character."

McCain was supported on Wednesday by Edward Rollins, a prominent Republican strategist who worked on Bachmann's primary campaign.

On the Fox News website, Rollins wrote that he was "fully aware that she sometimes has difficulty with her facts," but said "this is downright vicious and reaches the late Senator Joe McCarthy level," a reference to the U.S. senator from Wisconsin who rose and then fell accusing government officials and others of being communists in the 1950s.
I don't think Reuters is correct on this claim:
She has long been criticized by fellow Republicans, among others, for controversial comments and factual errors.


Ken Hoop said...

Romney is also saying some dangerously wrong things about Syria. But so are members of Obama's team, seemkingly justifying suicide bombers if they're "our" suicide bombers.

America is veering even more toward disaster.

Ken Hoop said...