Thursday, September 06, 2012


In this piece, Will seems to be copying Glenda Beck's obsession with Progressivism.  Will claims that Pres. Obama is "determined to complete the progressive project of emancipating government from the Founders’ constraining premises, a project Woodrow Wilson embarked on 100 Novembers ago." This is almost exactly what rodeo clown Beck has been saying since 2009.

Will doesn't have the courage to directly cite Glenda so he drags out a right-wing hack professor from Claremont, Charles Kesler.  Here are a few of Kesler's publications:
Keeping the Tablets: Modern American Conservative Thought, Harper and Row,
1988, co-editor with William F. Buckley, Jr.

Responsibility in The Federalist,” in Educating the Prince: Essays in Honor of
Harvey Mansfield
, Mark Blitz and William Kristol, eds., Rowman and Littlefield,
2000, pp. 219-232.

"Introduction" to Harry V. Jaffa, American Conservatism and the American
Founding, Carolina Academic Press, 1985, pp. 1-17. A shorter version of this
essay appeared originally in National Review, July 6, 1979.
Mansfield has hatched a number of conservative wackos from his perch at Harvard and Harry Jaffa has been an inspiration for neo-cons.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Taking to tast both Will and Obama.