Sunday, September 23, 2012


He sat down for an interview with the NY Times and said a couple of things that reminded me of the tolerant relativism espoused by Aristotle in 350 B.C. -
“If you want to judge the performance of the Egyptian people by the standards of German or Chinese or American culture, then there is no room for judgment,” he said. “When the Egyptians decide something, probably it is not appropriate for the U.S. When the Americans decide something, this, of course, is not appropriate for Egypt.”

He was troubled by the gangs and street of violence of Los Angeles, he said, and dismayed by the West’s looser sexual mores, mentioning couples living together out of wedlock and what he called “naked restaurants,” like Hooters.

“I don’t admire that,” he said. “But that is the society. They are living their way.”


Ken Hoop said...

If he brings off a rapprochement with Iran he will really foil Amer-Israel's imperialist machinations.

Would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize
if it still means anything other than Hoped-for but unrequited Change.

Ken Hoop said...

Obama's hypocrisy at the UN

"Obama said, "There are no words that excuse the killing of innocents ... There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy. There is no slander that provides an excuse for people to burn a restaurant in Lebanon, or destroy a school in Tunis, or cause death and destruction in Pakistan."

If Obama had read the just-published, devastating report by Stanford and New York University's law schools [2], based on extensive interviews with victims, witnesses and experts, about the shadow drone war in the Pakistani tribal areas, he would have seen the true effect of HDBB-ordered "signature strikes", when targets are selected via a shady "pattern of life".

So if Obama asserts that "no video justifies an attack on an embassy", he would have to revert to cosmic silence to justify the killing of Pashtun women and children, in fact an indiscriminate US death from above operation terrorizing the 800,000 people living in the Waziristans, north and south.

No chance Obama would talk about this war of terror."