Wednesday, September 05, 2012


War Whore Victor Davis Hanson has a new agit-prop piece entitled "Goodbye, Middle East" and seems to think both of these are bad things:
1) "The United States is backing off from the Middle East — and the Middle East from the United States."

2) "With $5 trillion in new American borrowing in just the last four years, and talk of slashing $1 trillion from the defense budget over the next 10 years, America’s options abroad may be narrowing."


Ken Hoop said...

Dreyfuss corrects the Romney-Ryan team of Zionist whores who have claimed that Obama is not equally
tartish regards Israel.

"Utter nonsense, of course. Would that President Obama did, in fact, try to “create distance” between the United States and Israel. He didn’t. As Saban, the militantly pro-Zionist Democratic funder, writes in a New York Times op-ed today:

When he visited Israel as a candidate he saw firsthand how vulnerable Israeli villagers were to rocket attacks from Gaza. As president, he responded by providing full financing and technical assistance for Israel’s Iron Dome short-range anti-rocket defense system, which is now protecting those villagers. In July, he provided an additional $70 million to extend the Iron Dome system across southern Israel. That’s in addition to the $3 billion in annual military assistance to Israel that the president requests and that Congress routinely approves, assistance for which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed deep personal appreciation."

Ken Hoop said...

06 September 2012
The Democrats ignored massive dissent on Jerusalem. -

"Although Democrats adopted a plank supporting the constitutional overturning of Citizens United for the sake of democracy, they managed to ignore their own party rules and delegate voices this afternoon when amending the party platform. DNC Chairman Antonio Villaraigosa announced the party required a two-thirds vote to amend the party platform. However, minutes after failing to reach the threshold after three separate votes, he awkwardly moved forward and declared the two-thirds threshold had been reached."


So, the Democrats love democracy but.... not really. The more Villaraigosa repeated the voice vote, the louder were the "nays." He's a good machine politician and so, in the end, he ignored the dissent on the "we love Israel" planks in the platform. As he said on MJ today, there were no registered complaints. He is lucky. Any such complaints would have forced a roll call vote. How embarassing that would have been.

"Every family has its ups and downs." Quotation?

The "down side' for Democrats in their relentless quest for diversity is the diversity itself. Traditional Democratic support groups like Jews and especially Zionist Jews have less and less "clout" in the face of the indifference of the multitude of other groupd for whom Zionism is just another tribal nationalism seen through the anti-colonial lens of the predominately "left" orientation of today's Democratic Party.

The platform committee tried to walk away from the worshipful attitude towards Israel that Zionist money and media power still dictate. Then the delegates tried to vote down the platform amendments. AIPAC won that vote. How long will that continue? How long will US policy be dictated in Tel Aviv? pl