Friday, September 21, 2012


Pawlenty has quit as national co-chair of one of the worst Presidential campaigns (Mitten$) in modern history and I'm wondering is he is the first one to be tossed overboard. The AP, the NYT don't mention any hard feelings but the LA Times has a couple of interesting tidbits:
The group said that because it is a bipartisan organization, Pawlenty would step down as a national co-chairman of Romney's campaign. Romney said he regretted the departure of his "dear friend," but that Pawlenty's "new position advancing the integrity of our financial system is vital to the future of our country."

Pawlenty probably would have been a contender for a Cabinet post were Romney to win the White House. But to land the new job, Pawlenty had to agree he would not take a position in a Romney administration, a spokeswoman for the Financial Services Roundtable said.
I suspect Pawlenty had decided that the good ship Mitten$ will never reach port.

In related news, both POLITICO and the Financial Times note that Mitten$ is hurting GOP Senate candidates.

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