Friday, September 07, 2012


Republicans won't talk about abortion or war

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Bill Bennett did talk about war, on MTP today, prompting this outburst.


Plump blimp Bennett, during a day of widespread violence in Iraq, the aftermath of the ineffectual US occupation and its utter failure to squash the insurgencies, said the GOP had nothing to be ashamed of from the Bush era regarding foreign policy, that we had "won the Iraq War."

Yeah, like we won Vietnam.

Opinion polls showed the US public had turned against the war by 2006 and by a steadier margin of opposition until the end. As well it should have, and the only thing keeping America from a Vietnam Era redux was the abscence of a draft. The GOP are such losers with spokesman like this.

The surge did NOT work as its stated intent was to reconcile competing Iraqi ethnics (a fail) and factions (fail) while quashing the insurgencies once and for all.

Two weeks ago, Iraq's PM Maliki refused to turn over a Hezbollah member of one of these resistance branches to the US accused of killing 5 troops. Get the hint? You lost, Yanks.

Why should he? Iraq is now in Iran's camp and is working loosely with Iran in helping Syria's government.

"The instances of Iraqi defiance or indifference to American "guidance" are now so numerous as to make any pretense that Iraq is a frend and ally of the US to be a total farce maintained as a political convenience."

Pat Lang, Marine Corps war hero and intelligence expert.

end cites

Moreover, the American government is now using Al Qaeda Sunni jihadists to attempt to overthrow Assad and to go from there to Iran.

Obama is no better nor worse than Bush who he failed to pressure to have tried for war crimes, planning to increase the viciously immoral drone campaign.

Romney otoh rather than attacking Obama here, is sabre-rattling against all "enemies" to prove he's a bigger whore than Barack of Israel and the war machine Ike warned against .

No wonder Ron Paul refused to support Romney as don't the vast majority of Paul supporters, unconvinced that his compromising son Rand will temper the war machine and the Israeli Lobby's hold on Congress one iota.