Monday, May 23, 2005


I caught part of Drudge on Sunday night and this week's whine was about Howard Dean and what he said about Tom DeLay and Pig Boy on Meet The Press. In case you missed it, here's a bit about Pig Boy and O'Reilly:

MR. RUSSERT: Let me stay on your rhetoric. January, I mentioned that "I hate the Republicans, what they stand for, good and evil, we are the good." In March, you said, "Republicans are brain dead." You mentioned you're a physician--and this is April. "[Dean] did draw howls of laughter by mimicking a drug-snorting Rush Limbaugh. `I'm not very dignified,' Dean said."
DR. DEAN: Well, that's true. A lot of people have accused me of not being dignified.
MR. RUSSERT: But is it appropriate for a physician to mock somebody who has gone into therapy and the abuse for drug addiction?
DR. DEAN: Here's the point I was trying--as most of these things are taken by the Republicans, spun around Washington saying this in a one sentence, which I generally had said. But then they're sort of manipulated around, saying this is the kind of thing he said. The Rush Limbaugh comment was one that I made about Rush Limbaugh, and I also said something about Bill O'Reilly. The problem is not that these folks have problems. They do, and they have problems in the case of a drug addiction. That's a medical problem. And I respect those who clearly, in my profession, who are trying to overcome their problems. The problem is it is galling to Democrats, 48 percent of us who did not support the president, it is galling to be lectured to about moral values by folks who have their own problems. Hypocrisy is a value that I think has been embraced by the Republican Party. We get lectured by people all day long about moral values by people who have their own moral shortcomings. I don't think we ought to give a whole lot of lectures to people--I think the Bible says something to the effect that be careful when you talk about the shortcomings of somebody else when you haven't removed the mote from your own eye. And I don't think we ought to be lectured to by Republicans who have got all these problems themselves.
Rush Limbaugh has made a career of belittling other people and making jokes about President Clinton, about Mrs. Clinton and others. I don't think he's in any position to do that, nor do I think Bill O'Reilly is in a position to abuse families of survivors of 9/11, given his own ethical shortcomings. Everybody has ethical shortcomings. We ought not to lecture each other about our ethical shortcomings.

Drudge whined that Pig Boy was a private citizen and should not be attacked by politicians! I guess Drudge forgot about the time Newt Gingrich made Pig Boy an honorary Republican member of the House shortly after the 1994 elections. I think Drudge is getting worried about what may happen to him if people start pushing back against the Republican Lie Machine.

Bill "Slots" Bennett mentioned on his Monday show that the American Psychiatric Association was considering adopting a statement advocating the legality of gay marriages. Naturally, Slots began casting apersions on psychiatrists, noting how weird they are. Um, Charles Krauthammer?

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