Thursday, May 26, 2005


Levin is the rabid, foam-at-the-mouth wingnut who wrote Men in Black, a crazy tract written to help destroy the Federal Judiciary.

LEVIN:I am convinced that John McCain holds a very, very deep grudge against the Republican party and George Bush for not nominating him in 2000. That's the man's personality, despite what you say on Meet the Press and Hardball. So I'm convinced that he'll try to take the Republican nomination, and if he can't get the Republican nomination, he's going to damage the Republican nominee, much the way he tried to damage Bush in South Carolina. It wasn't Bush trying to damage McCain. It was McCain trying to damage Bush. He attacks the party structure. He attacks the various legs of the conservative movement.

Hugh Hewitt radio show, Wednesday, May 25th

This is what happened to McCain during the South Carolina primary in 2000:

VOTERS WERE TOLD THAT MCCAIN WAS A LIAR, A HYPocrite, a philanderer and a jerk.They were told he was not a hero at all but a Manchurian Candidate,brainwashed or broken in captivity and sent home to betray his comrades in arms.They were told that he had had sex with some of his jailers; that he had married a drug addict; that he had had extramarital affairs, one with the singer Connie Stevens; and that he had arranged a murder to cover his tracks. They were informed that the McCains had adopted a black child (an allusion to their dark-skinned 8-year-old Bridget, whom his wife, Cindy, had brought home from one of Mother Teresa's orphanages in Bangladesh). They were told that Bridget actually was not Bangladeshi at all but McCain's own love child, one of several he had sired with American black hookers. They were told that the McCains had to adopt because he had infected Cindy with a venereal disease that destroyed her uterus.
Pumping iron, digging gold, pressing flesh
Evan Thomas. Newsweek. New York: Nov 20, 2000.Vol.136, Iss. 21; pg. 50, 9 pgs

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