Thursday, May 05, 2005


I agree with the May 2 letter "Why believe Bush?" that the president's news conference was disappointing and unconvincing. I also strongly disagree with Republicans who defend Bush's incoherent public appearances by stating it really does not matter that the president is not a polished professional speaker.
Fact is, the president often comes across as unable to string two intelligent thoughts together, and appears bewildered and confused unless reading from a scripted message about how America is advancing freedom across the globe by killing people.
Bush's limited communications skills mean that conservative ideas on important issues like Social Security reform are not fully understood, simply because the president is unable to present arguments in a clear, concise manner. His limitations also mean that vital messages to our allies and adversaries cannot be delivered by the "most powerful man on Earth." What a tragedy!
John W. Lillpop
San Jose, Calif.

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