Monday, May 30, 2005


President Welcomes Afghan President Karzai to the White House The East Room
For Immediate ReleaseOffice of the Press SecretaryMay 23, 2005

Q: And if I may ask you, Mr. President, as you know, the casualties of Iraq is again high today -- 50 more people dying. Do you think that insurgence is getting harder now to defeat militarily? Thank you.
PRESIDENT BUSH: No, I don't think so. I think they're being defeated. And that's why they continue to fight.

25 ex-commandos killed in double Iraq suicide bombing
HILLA, Iraq (AFP) - At least 25 former police commandos were killed and 100 wounded in a double suicide bombing outside government offices in Hilla, south of Baghdad, medical sources and an AFP correspondent said.

"The attack was carried out by two suicide bombers wearing explosives belts," a police source told AFP.

"We have 25 killed and 100 wounded," said Hilla hospital director Mohammed Dhia, adding that all the casualties were former members of the police commandos.

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