Monday, May 09, 2005


Occassionally I will post some comments from the wingnuts, both for instruction and comic relief.

Here's a good one that uses the "liberal media bias" meme:

Look at the terminology that has become most popular, even among many conservatives like yourself: “nuking"…using the “nuclear” option…etc. That term itself carries a lot of baggage and in general a negative connotation. The fact that the MSM uses it so frequently is a sign that the Dems/MSM have won that battle of terminology.
In reality, it should be called the Constitutional option…the democratic option…the option of majority rule.

Comment by Another Thought 5/9/2005 - 3:40

Of course, it's not the media behind the term "nuclear option," it's Trent Lott:

Lott aims to change filibuster rules
Senator says stalling of Pickering's nomination, others "cannot stand"
By Ana Radelat
Clarion-Ledger Washington Bureau May 23, 2003
"I'm for the nuclear option, absolutely," Lott has said.

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