Saturday, May 07, 2005


Here are some excerpts from an article in the Clay Center Dispatch:

When it comes to teaching evolution, minority rules in the Kansas State Board of Education. While 17 scientists and science educators have revised and updated Kansas science education standards, the conservative majority seated on the Board would prefer to approve the Minority Report submitted by eight proponents of Intelligent Design Theory.

"We are not going to give up until the standards say what we want them to say," said Kathy Martin, District 6 Board member. "Some naturalistic [evolutionary]opinion is correct, but not all of it is."

Martin said, "Evolution has been proven false. ID is science-based and strong in facts."

"Of course this is a Christian agenda. We are a Christian Nation," said Martin."Our country is made up of Christian conservatives. We don't often speak up but we need to stand up and let our voices be heard," said Martin.

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