Monday, July 04, 2005


(Via Atrios)

Move America Forward board member Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.) Buzz Patterson will be part of the delegation to support our troops and report on their story first hand. Patterson held the distinction of carrying the nuclear football (containing the top-secret nuclear codes for our nation) for President Bill Clinton. Patterson is also host of "The Buzz Cut" on the RighTalk Radio Network.
"With the recent onslaught by liberals that Guantanamo Bay is a "gulag," that our military is akin to "Nazis" and America is the "terrorist" nation, the war of our generation hangs in the balance. If we, as a nation, are not forearmed we will lose this war. A just and noble cause will be squandered and the ultimate sacrifices of our patriots will be relegated to political fodder by the Left. Personally, I'm disgusted and angry. I'm going to Baghdad to tell their story, not ours. Our men and women in uniform need a voice..and they're not getting it from corporate mainstream media!" Patterson concluded. LINK

"The war is being won, if not already won, I think," Patterson, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force, said. "[Iraq] is stabilized and we want the soldiers themselves to tell the story.",2933,161463,00.html

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