Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Some people just won't sway in their support of Bush. This is from StoriesInAmerica:

Dorothy Bischoff, 63

What do you think about the government's response to the hurricane?

I think it was very, very slow. It's sad. Those people didn't have any food for how many days? Five, six, seven days. Not good.

Why do you think it took so long?

I don't know. Lack of communication.

It's the fourth anniversary of 9/11 and we've spent a lot of money on homeland security. Do you think the Bush administration has done enough to prepare the country for natural disasters and terrorist attacks?

No, I don't. I think we're really way behind where we should be, especially after 9/11 and I like Bush. I voted for Bush, so I'm not against him, but this is unacceptable behavior. He really messed up on this one.

Does this change your overall opinion of him?

No, I still like him. He just messed up on this.

What do you like about him?

I don't know. I've just always liked him.

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