Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I googled "abortion & social security" and found several wingnut/jeebus sites that claim the shortfall in SS is due to the millions of abortions since 1973.

Abortion hitting social security hard
Posted: February 16, 2005

1:00 a.m. Eastern
Editor's note: Business Reform Magazine is your exclusive source for real biblical answers to real business problems. www.businessreform.com
By Steve Marr© 2005 Business Reform

Abortion may have set America up to implode.

Consider this: As politicians scramble to posture on Social Security reform, a key element is being ignored: the effect of abortion on the SS shortfall.
Since Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion, creating an abortion industry, we’ve seen 45 million unborn babies aborted in this country.
An estimated 17 million of them would be contributing to the economy today, paying taxes, and paying into Social Security; but they will not be there.

January 17, 2005
National COGIC leader blames abortion for social security problems

National Church of God in Christ board member Bishop George McKinney said Social Security is in trouble today because of abortion.
"Part of the problem that we're seeing now with Social Security has to do with the fact that 40 to 50 million people who have been killed through abortions have not taken their role as productive citizens."
McKinney said the Democratic Party's support for legal abortion and gay marriage has cost it support in the black community.

Abortion and Social Security
Dena Leichnitz
(At Defending Truth)
Yet people seem to be missing the obvious. There is less Social Security money because there are less workers and there are less workers because 45 million people have been aborted since 1973.

Jan. 14, 2005
Republican National Coalition for Life
American Life League has hit the nail on the head with a full-page ad in yesterday's Washington Times. According to ALL's press release, the ad explains that since 1973, more than 50 million babies have been killed in the womb. "Those are the very babies that, today, would be living, working — and paying into Social Security," said ALL president Judie Brown. She pointed out that "The government is largely responsible for the Social Security crisis. They have continued to fund abortion giants such as Planned Parenthood, which aid in the destruction of human life."

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