Friday, October 07, 2005


I found this at Austin Bay's blog:

Ken Rainey is an attorney in Dallas, Texas. My wife has worked with Ken on several legal matters. Ken knows Harriet Miers well and thinks highly of her qualifications. This morning Ken sent an email to two-dozen of his friends (including my wife). My wife suggested I put Ken’s email up on the blog — so you can bet it’s going up. (Yes, Ken gave her his permission.)
Ken Rainey on Harriet Miers:

Several of you have inquired about my thoughts on Harriet Miers. My answer is simple. Of the 110 or so citizens of this great country who have served on the United States Supreme Court, none have been more decent, God-fearing, dedicated, capable or worthy than she.

I imagine that Marshall, Brandeis, Cardozo or Holmes would give her quite a challenge.

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