Thursday, October 06, 2005


On Bennett’s show, many fundie callers were upset about Miers. They wanted a real “Christocrat” nominated, someone like Janice Rogers Brown, and were seemingly looking forward to a bitter confirmation fight that they were dead sure they would win. One caller from a previous day was also upset that some conservatives questioned Miers’ qualifications and suggested that this was that despicable elitism at work. A Lutheran pastor called and pointed out that Luther wrote that he would rather be ruled by a wise Muslim than a foolish Christian.

On Ingraham’s show, some callers did complain that Miers wasn’t the best qualified, some complained about elitism among Miers’ critics. Ingraham aired a clip of Brit Hume (I think) claiming that the critics were elitist snobs, as demonstrated by the fact that many of them went to Harvard. Ingraham pointedly rejects the charge of elitism.

On both shows, there were a few callers that took the position that if Harry Reid approves of Miers, she must be bad choice.

Rove’s coalition is crumbing a little more. The fundies, the movement intellectuals, the low self-esteem crowd and the hard-core political partisans all disagree over the choice of Miers.

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