Tuesday, October 04, 2005


(Both Via Atrios)

Originally from Air America:

David Frum, former White House speechwriter, has come down hard against Miers. From his blog at the National Review:
She rose to her present position by her absolute devotion to George Bush. I mentioned last week that she told me that the president was the most brilliant man she had ever met. To flatter on such a scale a person must either be an unscrupulous dissembler, which Miers most certainly is not, or a natural follower. And natural followers do not belong on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Also from the National Review:

HARRIET MIERS [John Podhoretz]I am going to assume that this is a classic Bush head-fake gambit. If I'm wrong, I will spend the weekend banging my head against a concrete wall. This is the Supreme Court we're talking about! It's not a job for a political functionary! Posted at 10:40 AM

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