Saturday, November 19, 2005


(Via MyDD)

NBC has some more information about the troop drawdown plan. First, Gen. Abizaid was also involved in drawing it up. Second, if it can be applied, we will be down to between 90 and 100 thousand troops by the end of 2006.

There are also a couple of puzzles:

In fact, the withdrawal plan relies heavily on the ability of Iraqi forces to take over their own security. But out of 96 Iraqi army battalions today, only one can conduct operations without U.S. military help.

Now, does this mean that the training of the Iraqi forces is approaching a cusp (AKA, "turning point") or is the whole plan wishful thinking?

Despite all the political turmoil, Pentagon and congressional sources say many lawmakers already know about this plan. It was briefed recently on Capitol Hill, to Republicans and Democrats alike.

The NBC story is dated 11/18, so does this mean that all the fuss the GOP made over Rep. Murtha's statement of 11/17 was for show?

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