Tuesday, December 27, 2005


This is chilling:

#1 - 12/27/05 07:16 PM (Msg Id: 528628:1567108)

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We are War with an enemy that we ae just beginning to understand. This enemy is ruthless and has no concept of humanity. It comes from a perverted fanatacism thatis so alien to our culture. This enemy must be treated with a very very strong hand.Civil liberties do not apply nor does the rule of law. They must be hunted down and eliminated. There should be no trials, no courts no public outcry. Who cares what the world thinks. These bastards wouldn't think twice before they killed your wife, parents, kids or YOU.
We have too much freedom of press. In times like these we must have more security--which means that less known the better. There is nothing wrong with the partiot act.
If you have nothing to hide, then you will have nothing to fear.
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