Tuesday, January 17, 2006


There was a LOT of sheeple activity today. As I write, there are over 19,000 posts on the "Gore Assails Domestic Wiretapping Program" board. AOL has been deleting many but it's not clear if there is a pattern to the deletions.

Here's some more pristine wingnut thinking from this board:

1 - 1/16/06 08:06 PM (Msg Id: 557926:45735)

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Al Gore and the other radical Democrats keep aiding the enemy. The last five presidents have used the same power to wiretap and protect our nation. Why is it that Pres. Bush cannot do the same things the past presidents have done.

#1 - 1/17/06 02:42 AM (Msg Id: 557926:54867)

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We all know Aldolf thinks he invented the Internet....Maybe he needs a butterfly net draped over his head.......

#3 - 1/17/06 02:46 AM (Msg Id: 557926:54892)

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What a dumb ass. Bush will never be impeached with control of both the house and senate. To the victor goes the spoils.

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