Wednesday, January 18, 2006



Two Groups Plan Lawsuits Over Federal Eavesdropping
NY Times

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 - Two leading civil rights groups plan to file lawsuits Tuesday against the Bush administration over its domestic spying program to determine whether the operation was used to monitor 10 defense lawyers, journalists, scholars, political activists and other Americans with ties to the Middle East.

The two lawsuits, which are being filed separately by the American Civil Liberties Union in Federal District Court in Detroit and the Center for Constitutional Rights in Federal District Court in Manhattan, are the first major court challenges to the eavesdropping program.

One of the A.C.L.U. plaintiffs, Larry Diamond, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, said that a Stanford student studying in Egypt conducted research for him on political opposition groups, and that he worried that communications between them on sensitive political topics could be monitored. "How can we communicate effectively if you risk being intercepted by the National Security Agency?" Mr. Diamond said.

The lawsuits seek to answer one of the major questions surrounding the eavesdropping program: has it been used solely to single out the international phone calls and e-mail messages of people with known links to Al Qaeda, as President Bush and his most senior advisers have maintained, or has it been abused in ways that civil rights advocates say could hark back to the political spying abuses of the 1960's and 70's?

As you can easily imagine, the bed-wetters at LGF oppose these suits.

First, Charles provides a misleading frame:

The American Civil Liberties Union joins forces with radical Islamic front group CAIR, to protect the rights of terror suspects to make calls to their superiors overseas:

And his minions dutifully follow that lead:


RaiderDan 1/17/2006 09:29AM PST
Democrats, the ``terrorists rights'' party.


Skywarner 1/17/2006 09:33AM PST

CAIR and the ACLU can both pucker up and KMA!
While they a**clowns think they know what's best for all of us, the Jack Bauers* and the rest of the grown ups in the administration are actually doing something about it.

*I didn't know who this was so I looked up the name. Here's part of the Wikipedia entry:

One recurring theme however, is Jack's belief in the mantra, "the ends justify the means": that is, he believes obtaining a desired result is more important than how he obtains it, and he frequently performs controversial actions if he thinks they will achieve an important goal. His philosophy was perhaps best expressed after he shot and killed a restrained criminal in front
of George Mason, then-CTU Director. George expressed dismay at Jack's extreme action, and Jack replied: "That's the problem with people like you, George. You want results, but you never want to get your hands dirty."

Yup, the lizardoids LOVE fictional psychopaths.

They also love



Greg 1/17/2006 09:33AM PST

ACLU in the coming world war will have to be closed down at bayonet point.
Our survival is at stake because of these red assclowns


Skywarner 1/17/2006 09:39AM PST

Folks, this is Summer 1939 all over again, and the left is too looney to even see it.

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