Monday, February 13, 2006


Dobson's mullahs are on the march again in Arizona.

Bill: Teens' Rx needs parents' OK
Proposal in Arizona House would affect birth control,
all other drugs for minors

By Jane Erikson
Tucson, Arizona
Published: 02.14.2006

Arizonans under 18 could not get prescriptions for birth control or any other medication without a parent's written consent under a bill introduced by the state House majority leader.

Rep. Stephen Tully, a Phoenix Republican, said his bill does not single out prescriptions for birth control but is in response to a complaint from a father who was incensed to learn that his daughter had been prescribed birth-control pills without his knowledge.

So, one complaint and we need a state-wide law! Wouldn't hearings have been more appropriate?

The state chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics opposes the bill, as do many others, but the reasoning behind the bill is not medical nor is it a question of parental rights, as a local teen revealed:

"That's a good bill to be passed. I agree with it," said Amanda Porter, 17, a senior at Mountain View High School. "I believe it's a parent's right to know what medication their child is being prescribed, especially when the child is living in their home. It's just common sense to be that considerate of other people, to let the parents know what is going on with their child." Regarding teens who already are having sex, Porter said, "If they're not married, it shouldn't be happening."

Yes, it's about other people's sex lives, or as Mencken put it, "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." Naturally, the Dobsonites support the bill:

John Tabor, executive director of the Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Tucson, also sides with Tully when it comes to teens wanting birth control, or any medical care. The Christian-focused organization [snip]Cathi Herrod, interim president of the Center for Arizona Policy, said her group strongly supports Tully's bill.

The Center for Arizona Policy is Arizona's infestation of Dobsonism and it is also pushing for an amendment to the state constitution to ban same-sex marriages and other relationships outside of marriage:

To preserve and protect marriage in this state, only a union between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage by this state or its political subdivisions and no legal status for unmarried persons shall be created or recognized by this state or its political subdivisions that is similar to that of marriage.

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