Thursday, February 16, 2006


HUME: Well, did it occur to you that sooner was — I mean, the one thing that we've all kind of learned over the last several decades is that if something like this happens, as a rule sooner is better.

CHENEY: Well, if it's accurate. If it's accurate. And this is a complicated story.

It's not complicated at all, Mr. Cheney.

For those wingnuts who think this is a non-story:

HUME: Well, what — you must have recognized, though, with all your experience in Washington, that this was going to be a big story.

CHENEY: Well, true, it was unprecedented. I've been in the business for a long time and never seen a situation quite like this. We've had experiences where the President has been shot; we've never had a situation where the Vice President shot somebody.

What about Karl's role?

HUME: And did you discuss this with Karl Rove at any time, as has been reported?

CHENEY: No, Karl talks to — I don't recall talking to Karl. Karl did talk with Katherine Armstrong, who is a good mutual friend to both of us. Karl hunts at the Armstrong, as well —

HUME: Say that again?

CHENEY: I said Karl has hunted at the Armstrong, as well, and we're both good friends of the Armstrongs and of Katherine Armstrong.

Who made the decision to go with Armstrong & the local paper?

CHENEY: I had no press person with me, no coverage with me, no White House reporters with me. I'm comfortable with the way we did it, obviously. You can disagree with that, and some of the White House press corps clearly do. But, no, I've got nothing but good things to say about Scott McClellan and Dan Bartlett. They've got a tough job to do and they do it well. They urged us to get the story out. The decision about how it got out, basically, was my responsibility.

HUME: That was your call.

CHENEY: That was my call.

HUME: All the way.

CHENEY: All the way.
It was recommended to me — Katherine Armstrong wanted to do it, as she said, and I concurred in that; I thought it made good sense.

How many leaks?

HUME: There have been two leaks, one that pertained to possible facilities in Europe; and another that pertained to this NSA matter.

I guess the Plame leak doesn't count.

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