Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The guy who told Scooter Libby to release classified information is coming to town to raise money for Sen. Kyl.

From my local paper:

The vice president is making his first visit to Tucson since the summer of 2004 to help raise money for Sen. Jon Kyl, a loyal supporter of the Bush administration facing a tough re-election campaign. The dark — and often darkly humorous — cloud hovering over Vice President Dick Cheney's Texas hunting accident has a silver lining for local Republicans. It's helping them sell tickets to a $500-per-person fund-raiser with Cheney next month at The Westin La Paloma.

"I've made over 60 calls and I've not gotten one no," said auto dealer Jim Click, a prolific GOP fund raiser who is serving as chairman of the event. "But you know me, I'm a salesman."

Click is hoping to attract upwards of 500 people to the March 23 reception and dinner, which will include a "VIP photo reception" for those who can raise at least $5,000. Southern Arizona Republicans are enthusiastic about attending, Click said, because they're anxious to support
conservatives like Cheney and Kyl.

What about shooting an old man in the face? Nothing but yucks for Kyl supporters:

But the publicity surrounding the "unfortunate accident" in Texas is also playing a role, he [Click] added. "To be quite candid, we've had some fun talking about the vice president."

And what do the local Dems have to say?

"It's not a surprise that Vice President Cheney is coming out to campaign for Jon Kyl considering Kyl is a rubber stamp for this administration on issue after issue," said Pederson spokeswoman Selena Shilad.

As for Cheney's coming to predominantly Democratic Pima County, county Democratic Party Chairman Paul Eckerstrom couldn't be happier. "He's like an anchor. The guy's approval rating is like 20 percent. If Kyl wants to bring in someone who is the symbol of everything wrong with this administration, let him," he said.

Jim Click is a HUGE Fredo supporter. In 2004, he raised at least $200K for Fredo, and at least $100K in 2000.

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