Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Distracted from distraction by distraction"

On the AOL message board about the Cheney shooting incident, the wingnuts are doing their best to distract us from the issue at hand. In addition to the now almost obligatory posts about Clinton and Monica, we also get ones about Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick, the Democrats as isolationists in World War II and more on how John Kerry single-handedly lost the Vietnam War.

I try not to bite on these but I have to admit that the isolationist post sucked me in and I replied with a few history references. The original poster also claimed that she got her material straight from a university textbook and that she graduated with a 3.89 GPA from one of the top 10 universities. In a way, that makes sense: once you start, never hold back on the bullshit.

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