Wednesday, February 22, 2006


(Via Atrios)

More Americans than nearly ever before now say the war in Iraq is a "mistake" for the United States, according to a new Gallup poll. That figure now stands at 55%, up 4% point since late January. Only once before was the figure higher, at 59%, and that was during the period of overall pessimism right after Hurricane Katrina hit.

Gallup noted that it had asked this question about other wars involving the United States, "and only the Vietnam War engendered more public opposition than the current Iraq War. " The peak opposition to the Vietnam conflict was 61%. That figure for the generally unpopular Korean War was 51%.


Anonymous said...

So that means we do not need to do what is right (ousting Saddam) simply because it is unpopular. Yeah, that would be proving to the world that America is a leader in the international community.

Steve J. said...

1) Invading Iraq was a strategic blunder of historic proportions.

2) We have lost our moral leadership

Anonymous said...

So tell me, why do you say it was such a mistake to invade Iraq? Do you not think Saddam Hussein was an evil man? He killed thousands of people and advocated terrorism. Yeah, there may be no direct connection with 9/11, but Iraq was a haven for terrorists. Saddam (as well as the other Arab nations) is against Israel, and we should not stand for it. You may say that we should have used diplomacy instead of warfare, but let me assert this: history has proven that appeasement is not the way to go. The British and French only exacerbated the problem with Germany in the 30s by allowing a military buildup, reoccupation of the Rhineland, a takeover of Czechoslovakia, etc. I don't like war, but since man is a fallen creature, this world will never see a war-free society.

Regarding your second claim: Yes, I'm so glad you agree with me that America has lost its moral leadership. I couldn't agree more. We are now witnessing a rationalization of morality such as homosexuality, illegitimate children, abortion, etc. We want to separate God/Christ from everything. It won't work, and unfortunately, if we continue on our path, this "American Empire" will crumble since we have turned our back on God.