Friday, February 17, 2006


I'm getting a little concerned about Pederson's campaign. Below, I noted that I did not get a reply from an e-mail I sent and now there seems to be a big changeover in campaign staff. Let's hope this is a good move.

Pederson replaces East Coast staffers with more local ones
The Associated Press
Tucson, Arizona Published: 02.17.2006

Within the last two months Pederson has replaced his campaign manager, appointed a new campaign chairman, replaced some consultants and is looking for replacements for his communications director and campaign spokeswoman.

"It wasn't a shake up, just more of an Arizona focus," said Joe Yuhas, Pederson's new campaign chairman.

Yuhas and Mario Diaz, who replaced Matt Rodriguez as campaign manager, came on last month. Rodriguez is a former staffer for Rep. Richard Gephardt, D-Mo.

Communications director Caitlin Sherman, who has worked for the Kerry, Gore and Clinton campaigns, left recently after just a three week stint.

Yuhas is the former deputy director of the Arizona Department of Commerce and ran a successful campaign in 2002 to preserve Indian gaming in Arizona.

Diaz helped Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano get elected and managed John Kerry's successful primary election in Arizona.

And spokeswoman Selena Shilad, who previously worked for Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed and on other campaigns, confirms that she'll also be leaving Pederson to head to Washington, D.C.

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