Sunday, February 26, 2006


I noted below that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia favors a theocratic nation and I found one of his fans on AOL:

#1 - 2/25/06 04:18 PM (Msg Id: 559936:3833)

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The United States has existed and will continute to exist because it was founded on the Christian principles found in the Bible. Only by living under Bible Law, the Word of God, can we hope to be protected from Satan and the other evils of this world.
We need prayer and God back in our schools; we need the name of Jesus proudly said and displayed in our Christian nation.
Abortion, stem-cell usuage and same sex marriages all violate the Word of God and cannot be allowed to exist in our Christian nation.
Christians must band together and defeat all those who want us to live by laws other than Bible Law. The first state has seen the truth. Now we must make the Truth legal in all states.
God Bless us and keep us Strong.

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