Wednesday, March 01, 2006


No, not the lousy football team, the Catholics.

Gay union ban gains Catholic backing
Arizona bishops sanction it, will allow petitions at church
By Stephanie Innes
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona Published: 03.01.2006

Arizona's three Roman Catholic bishops are endorsing a proposal to ban gay marriage — and petitions of support may be circulated in local parishes.

The three bishops on Tuesday released a statement supporting a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would prohibit same-sex marriage, nine months after the proposal, dubbed "Protect Marriage Arizona" was announced.

The three are Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas of the Diocese of Tucson, Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix and Bishop Donald Pelotte of the Diocese of Gallup, N.M., which includes parts of Northern Arizona.

Backers of the amendment* from the Scottsdale-based Center for Arizona Policy, a conservative public-policy group, say couples who are not legally married shouldn't receive the benefits of marriage, and voters should have an opportunity to weigh in on the matter. Supporters must gather 183,917 signatures for the proposal to appear on the 2006 Arizona general election ballot.

The initiative's broad language would not only affect same-sex couples but also would bar the state, as well as counties, cities and school districts, from creating or recognizing any legal status for unmarried heterosexual couples. Health benefits that Tucson and Pima County offer the domestic partners of their workers, as well as the city's domestic partner registry, would be nullified.

*"To preserve and protect marriage in this state, only a union between one man and one woman shall be valid and recognized as a marriage by this state or its political subdivisions and no legal status for unmarried persons shall be created or recognized by this state or its political subdivisions that is similar to that of marriage."

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