Friday, March 03, 2006


NOTE: COC is short for "Culture of Corruption." While looking for the local coverage about the school teacher caught telling the truth about Fredo, I came across this item:

GOP chooses new House minority leader
following resignation
Dan Viens Web Producer
3/3/2006 2:19 PM MST

DENVER (AP) - Rep. Mike May (R - Parker) will succeed Rep. Joe Stengel (R - Littleton) as Colorado's House minority leader, after Stengel resigned amid questions about his ethics.

Stengel stepped down as House minority leader Thursday, saying questions about the state pay he claimed while on a Hawaiian vacation were becoming a distraction.

Stengel's problems stem from $891 he collected while in Hawaii and while taking the bar exam. Stengel says he also did legislative work during that time, but would return the payments.

$891 isn't even pocket change for Tom DeLay but I guess you have to start out small.

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